
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for." - Georgia O'Keeffe

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine Challenge

I was invited to join three artists for my first Valentine Painting Challenge by Pablo Villicana Lara along with Jelaine Faunce and Geraud Staton. What an honor to join these three super talented painters for a fun run of incorporating Sweethearts candies in our paintings.

After much thought of coming up with ideas for this challenge, I considered painting an unwrapped chocolate foil heart against a background of scattered Sweethearts candies. Crumpled foil is a subject matter I love to do. Once I proceeded with photography of the little still life I set up and drew it on my watercolor paper, it was so involved I thought for sure I would miss the deadline and abandoned that idea.

I choose a glass, heart shaped bottle with a cork stopper filled with Sweethearts and proceeded with a high key watercolor of it.

It sure delighted and amazed me when I saw the finished challenge paintings by Pablo, Geraud, and Jelaine! Wow!

"Heart Full of Hearts", watercolor 10"x8",  Kathleen Ballard

"XO", watercolor 8"x10" watercolor,  Pablo Viillicana Lara

"Candy Love", 6"x6" Oil on Canvas,  Geraud Staton

"Playing with the Queen of Hearts", 6"x6" oil, Jelaine Faunce